Re: SVGT 1.2: "evt" vs "event" as the implicit event argument to event handlers

Chris Lilley wrote:
> On Monday, April 24, 2006, 11:05:47 PM, Jonathan wrote:
> JW> Chris Lilley wrote:
>>> Of course, the actual parameters (variables or constants) that are
>>> passed to calls to the function/procedure could be called anything at
>>> all as long as they had the required type
> JW> Well, that's what the "evt" vs. "event" issue is about - the name in the calling
> JW> scope, no?
> In which case, why does it need to be standardized?

So my conceptualization of how event attributes relate to EventHandler seems to 
have been a little mixed up, but Boris has kindly set me straight. It is of 
course the name of the event in the attribute string that concerns me. With my 
newfound understanding of the attribute/EventHandler conceptualization, I agree 
that this is the name of the event in the *called* scope, and the name of 
handleEvent's single parameter.

Apologies for the confusion.


Received on Monday, 24 April 2006 22:13:08 UTC