Re: [SVGFull12] color

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:51:30 +0200, Chris Lilley <> wrote:
> AvK> I think CSS2.1 and CSS3
> Okay, so you have a <css21color> and a <css3color>

I guess, where <css3color> would be a superset.

> AvK> and perhaps CSS1 if it's compatible with the
> AvK> former.
> And if its not?

CSS1 should be fixed in that case. That's true for several other things as  
well I believe. It should probably become a CSS2.1 profile once that  
specification is ready.

> Also, what will you do with CSS3 Color values that do not conform to CSS  
> 2.1?

You do what CSS2.1 says you should do?

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 18:13:29 UTC