Re: [SVGMobile12] SVGT12-207: Why are UAs allowed to have varying definitions of "px"?

"Ian Hickson" <> wrote in message
> B: list the reasons the working group is aware of that might be
>    considered reasonable grounds for not complying to the SHOULD.
> I am not asking for both, I am asking for one of these. The second does
> not preclude UAs from having other reasons that may also be relevant. It
> merely lists reasons to clarify the intent of the spec.

Please do not use lists in specifications to justify SHOULDS, a single 
example reason and no more should be used as it is important that user agent 
authors (who seem increasingly unwilling to think for themselves) do not 
assume they are the only reasons.  This is particularly relevant in security 
situations, but it applies to everything.



Received on Friday, 7 April 2006 10:23:33 UTC