Re: [SVGMobile12] Comments: The SVG Micro DOM (uDOM)

On 21/05/2005, at 5:01 AM, T Rowley wrote:

> A.2
> This section seems to duplicate a lot of A.3 - A.7.

Yes, it's an introduction to sections A.3 - A.7.

> A.3 - A.7
> IDL definition should be right at the beginning of each subsection,  
> as it's the most important thing, and right now it sometimes gets  
> lost in the text (ex: SVGLocatable IDL follows about five pages of  
> examples in section A.7.10)

Thanks. We've moved the IDL as you suggest.

> A.4.8, A.6.1, A.7.19
> Networking out of scope for SVG - should be removed.

We've had strong feedback in both directions on this issue. We've  
resolved to leave these APIs in the uDOM for now, and revisit this  
issue as the W3C creates a Working Group to cover Web Applications.

If you're not satisfied with this response, please let us know within  
two weeks.



Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2005 15:42:01 UTC