Re: SVG12: height/width defaults

Hi Bjoern,

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

>* Craig Northway wrote:
>>>This does not satisfy me, the SHOULD implies that there are probably
>>>circumstances where different behavior is acceptable, I do not think
>>>there are such circumstances and if there are, these need to be noted
>>>in the definition of the attributes.
>>Thanks for clarfiying what you meant. I have changed the draft as per 
>>Chris's first suggestion.
>As noted in,
>Chris' first suggestion was not very good. Could this be resolved in a
>way that satisfies Ian?
I think this section now specifies testable conformance criteria:

SVG needs to specify how to calculate some intrinsic sizing properties 
to enable inclusion within other languages. The intrinsic width and 
height of the viewport of SVG content must be determined from the width 
and height attributes. *If these are not specified, the default values 
of 100% must be used.*

The intrinsic aspect ratio of the viewport of SVG content is necessary 
for example, when including SVG from an object tag in XHTML styled with 
CSS. The intrinsic aspect ratio must be calculated based upon the 
following rules:

    * If the width and height of the root SVG element are both specified
      in absolute units (in, mm, cm, pt, pc, px) then the aspect ratio
      is calculated from the width and height after resolving both
      values to the same units.
    * If either/both of the width and height of the root svg are in
      percentage units, the aspect ratio is calculated from the width
      and height of the viewBox. If the viewBox is not present, or set
      to 'none', the intrinsic aspect ratio cannot be calculated and is

Craig Northway

Received on Sunday, 22 May 2005 22:08:25 UTC