Re: SVG12: prefetch attribute defaults

Dear Björn,

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>   In the
> draft is unclear about the semantics of missing attributes, e.g., in 
> SMIL a missing bandwidth attribute would default to 100% which means
> the implementation should use all available bandwidth. SVG apparently
> does not "adopt" this as if <prefetch /> is equivalent to <prefetch
> bandwith="100%" /> the document would be non-conforming. Please change
> the draft such that default values for all optional attributes are
> well-defined.

Since prefetch is a hint from the content author to the implementation, 
the absence of that hint or of a detail in that hint simply means that 
the user had no intent to specify it and that the implementation is 
encouraged to do whatever it thinks is best. Therefore there is no need 
for a default value on these attributes as it would be meaningless.

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Friday, 20 May 2005 08:46:03 UTC