Re: SVG12: IDL namespaces

Dear Björn,

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>   In
> it is proposed that the SVG Working Group extends DOM namespaces in
> apparently random ways, for example, the WheelEvent interface is to be
> added to the events module. Please change the draft such that SVG-
> specific features are in SVG-specific namespaces and non-SVG features
> in their corresponding namespaces, e.g. the TimeEvent interfaces be-
> longs to the ::smil:: namespace as defined in SMIL Animation and SVG
> 1.1.

The SVG WG currently owns DOM 3 Events, and therefore the events module, 
and are in the process of updating the current DOM 3 Events Note to 
match. The TimeEvent interface is not defined in any normative 
specification that is being maintained, and therefore we are adding it 
to the events module where it makes more sense than in the smil module 
(timing is not necessarily SMIL related, while events are always event 

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2005 08:13:13 UTC