Re: SVG12: Ogg media type

Hey Björn,

Firstly, thanks for all the feedback. We're slowly getting
through them.

On 28 Mar 2005, at 07:00, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,
> has an example
> that uses
> [...]
>   <audio xlink:href="ouch.ogg" volume="0.7" type="audio/vorbis"
>         begin="" repeatCount="3"/>
> [...]
> a media type that does not exist. I suppose it was meant to refer to 
> the
> Ogg encapsulation format for which the media type is application/ogg; 
> if
> this is the case, please change the draft to use the correct media type
> in the example, require support for RFC 3534, and state in section 
> 11.14
> that `audio(application/ogg)` is always true in conforming viewers.

We'll fix the media type. Note that we don't require Ogg Vorbis or
Ogg encapsulation support in any implementation - these are just used
as an example. Therefore, audio(application/ogg) will only return
true in viewers that support Ogg (unless by "conforming viewers" you 
"conforming viewers with Ogg support").


Received on Monday, 28 March 2005 14:05:57 UTC