Re: reply to CSS WG comments on SVG 1.2

On 1 Mar 2005, at 11:56, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> Dean Jackson wrote:
>>  > b) The 'text-align' property in SVG 1.2 is different than in CSS. 
>> This
>>  > makes it impossible for the property to be used in a 
>> mixed-namespace
>>  > environment. We request that the property be used unchanged.
>> It is being used unchanged. The 'text-align' property is taken from
>> XSL because it is stable (REC from 2001), internationalized and does
>> not have problematic values such as 'left' and 'right'.
>> For details:
> I'm sorry, but I must be missing something.  The allowed values for 
> this property in the cited specification are a superset of the CSS 2.1 
> values (and in fact are a superset of the proposed CSS 3 Text values), 
> and are NOT the same as the proposed SVG 1.2 values (which are a 
> proper subset of the CSS 3 Text values and neither a subset nor a 
> superset of the CSS2.1 values).  Could you please point out what, 
> exactly, I'm missing?

I don't think you are missing anything - I think you're right.

XSL's text-align does allow 'left' and 'right'. They are
defined to be equivalent to 'start' and 'end' (producing the
situation where 'left' sometimes means right, and visa versa)

So, in summary, I think the SVG 1.2 definition is wrong (as
is the reply from the SVG WG). I'm not sure where we got the
idea that 'left' and 'right' had been removed.


Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 02:46:43 UTC