Comments about sXBL

Dear Scalable Vector Graphics Working Group,

I have a question regarding the way XML events are dealt with in (s)XBL.
I understand that an author will want to attach a handler to a 
definition but what I don't understand is the way you specify it. The 
example in section 5.1 shows:

<xbl:definition element="myNS:button">
       <svg:handler ev:event="DOMActivate"...>...</svg:handler>
<myNS:button id="b1">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b2">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b3">...</myNs:button>

Why did you define this new 'handlerGroup' element? Why couldn't one put 
the handler within the definition as follows ?
<xbl:definition element="myNS:button">
       <svg:handler ev:event="DOMActivate"...>...</svg:handler>
<myNS:button id="b1">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b2">...</myNs:button>
<myNS:button id="b3">...</myNs:button>

In general, I don't think there is a need for a specific handling of 
listeners. They should be part of the template and considered as opaque 
XML content from the XBL point of view.

Best regards,

Cyril Concolato
Dept. Comelec
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris
46, rue Barrault 75013 Paris
Tel: +33145817991    Fax: +33145804036

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 12:39:42 UTC