Re: SVG 1.2 tiny

On 28 oct. 04, at 18:02, James Bentley wrote:

> GZip is required by Tiny?

Just to clarify, being able to decode gzip-encoded SVG files is 
required, not encoding every SVG Tiny files using gzip. Sending regular 
unencoded SVG Tiny files is of course acceptable.

> This has 2 negatives.

> 1, you must unzip to memory - Gzip is not stream
> compression.

Yes, streaming SVG using gzip is not a very good solution.

> 2, compression and decompression take CPU cycles away from devices 
> that have
> a hard time just doing the animations.

As said above, gzip is not expected to be used for streaming SVG, so 
given that you will have to to wait for the whole document to be 
decompressed before playback, I don't see the issue here.

> I like the binary XML.

I think Robin is definitely the person to talk to, as Chair of the XML 
Binary Characterization Working Group and representative of Expway, 
binary XML (and SVG) specialists.

Antoine Quint <>
W3C Invited Expert (SVG and CDF)
SVG Consulting and Outsourcing

Received on Thursday, 28 October 2004 16:16:29 UTC