Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: Streaming

Jim Ley wrote:
>> Perhaps I misunderstand the point of the timeline, that being to 
>> provide the user with some sort of time-varying view of the page.  If 
>> the user ends up missing part (or all) of it because rendering could 
>> not be started, that seems undesirable....
> It depends on the use case of course, which is why it can be controlled 
> with externalResourcesRequired AIUI.

Can you name a reasonable use case in which you want the user to miss content?

Or put another way, is there a reason the default behavior is unreasonable?

> If the information isn't important

I'm sorry, but I have a hard time imagining that information would be 
unimportant... we're trying to present the information, no?  Or are we talking 
about different things?


Received on Monday, 29 November 2004 23:53:15 UTC