Re: Reconsider SVG 1.2

On Thursday, November 18, 2004, 8:59:29 PM, Ian wrote:

IH> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Chris Lilley wrote:
>> most worrying of all, apparently the CSS WG (or some vocal spokespeople
>> for it) believe that CSS should not be used with random XML at all - 
>> only HTML should be used.

IH> To clarify: the assertion to which you refer is that CSS is an optional
IH> layer,


IH>  and that the markup sent over the wire should be in a language that
IH> is natively recognised by the user's agent.

Why should the user agent have anything to do with it? Its whether its
recognised by the user that is impostant. if, for example, a geologist
wants to get some material in RockML than, frankly, if its a
textual-document-like markup language where the CSS box model would do a
reasonable stab at laying it out, then sending RockML plus a CSS
stylesheet smmes a way better thing to do than, say, converting it to
HTML (thus loosing all of the semantics) before transmission.

IH> This isn't a CSS matter -- it's basic accessibility, it applies whether
IH> CSS is involved or not. WCAG guidelines 9 and 11 are based on this 
IH> concept:


Having read those and determined that XML is a W3C technology and that
any imagemaps should be client side and so forth, i don't se how RockML
would be a problem for the geologist there.

IH> So it's not that "CSS should not be used with random XML at all", it's
IH> simply that you shouldn't use random XML at all in the first place.

By random I meant, something that is random (ie unrecognized) XML from
the pov of the user agent. its not random to the content creator or the
person using it, of course.

IH> IMHO, CSS works well with SVG, for example it allows SVG links to be a
IH> different colour based on whether the link is visited or not, and allows
IH> applications to give hover feedback easily,

Yes, the dynamic pseudoclasses certainly have value in CSS. Although,
they would have equal value in an XML syntax of course.

IH>  with alternate stylesheets it
IH> allows different looks to be easily applied to the same basic shape, and
IH> so forth. Much the same advantages that HTML gets from CSS.

Well, I agree that the advantages that SVG gets from CSS also apply to
HTML. The reverse is not true. In HTML or other document-like techdoc
type languages, if you have a thousand paragraphs, the chances are they
are all styled the same, and if not, within a section they are all
styled the same. For an SVG document with a thousand paths, the chance
that any two share the same fill color is not that great.

IH>  Of course CSS
IH> isn't _required_ for either; it is, by design, an optional layer.

Right. Although that implies that keyboard shortcuts and tab order and
so forth should not be defined in CSS, per

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Thursday, 18 November 2004 21:37:46 UTC