Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: vector effects

Ian Hickson wrote:
 >> > How is this different from having a shape <use>d several times with
 >> > different cascaded values for 'stroke' and 'fill' and different
 >> > applied transforms? (I'm not saying it is, I'm just trying to
 >> > understand exactly what the use case is here.)
 >> This is probably seen as bad use, at least in the case of text: if you
 >> repeat a text several times just to make an effect, it would hurt
 >> accessibility.
 > It would be trivial for ATs to remark on the duplicate <use> and only 
 > it once.

ATs? I suppose it is Accessibility Tools?
*would be* is probably the problem, that means the need to educate the 
tools (OK), and also means existing tools may fail on this.
Note I first saw this objection on multiple use of text in CSS effects 
done by overlaying two strings to make shadow effect...

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
--  Professional programmer and amateur artist
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Received on Sunday, 14 November 2004 07:02:20 UTC