Re: SVG 1.2 Comment: Detailed last call comments (all chapters)

"Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote in message
>>As I'm sure you recall, I very much resisted the "filter" property
>>when it was proposed. I don't think it belongs in CSS. However, when
>>you search for "filter property" in Google what you get is MSFT. If
>>you search for "filter property CSS" you get bunches of pointers to
>>MS' stuff.
>This doesn't mean it's a standard in any way, but disregarding it
>isn't an option either.

No, but there's no problem in supporting both, other than being 
non-conformant to the limitation on the filter property to taking <uri>, 
none or inherit.  The actual value space does not overlap at all.

So whilst I agree that it can't be ignored, there's no problem, if you've 
decided to implement non-standard properties, a minor extension of the range 
of a CSS-property, that causes no problems isn't going to cause sleepless 


Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 13:00:29 UTC