Re: Image description workshop, Madrid 7-8 June (fwd)

This rather crucially depends on one's interpretation of 'usefully'

I generally mean something that can be tested with users.
others may mean useful, as in designing for the future.

both have there purpose, but it is important that clarity is maintained.
This distinction isn't always clear to me within SVG documentation, 
however practical working examples are frequently available.

We need to maintain, update and upgrade these examples as much as 
develop future versions.
In particular, accessibility seems to be falling behind, at least so 
far as AT is concerned

2 recent examples:

ASV3 only allows switch systemLanguage <text> not <title>
tinyline didn't support the use of a background behind a link, there 
wasn't a test that included this.

best wishes

Jonathan Chetwynd
"It's easy to use"

Received on Thursday, 6 May 2004 09:38:16 UTC