Why is SVG-PHP blank?

I specifically need this format for my project. I'm sending u the codes:

1. Save the code as a.php

   header("Content-type: image/svg+xml");
   print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>');
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print ('<a xlink:href="b.php">
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2. Save the code as b.php



<form method=post action="a.php">
<input type="submit" name="Validate" value="Submit">



3. Save the code as c.php

   header("Content-type: image/svg+xml");
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7.0868in" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPre
cision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality"
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print ('<a xlink:href="d.php">
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4. Save the code as d.php



<form method=post action="c.php">
<input type="submit" name="Validate" value="Submit">



5. Working:

Open a.php in browser. The image is visible. Click it.
Button in b.php is visible. Click it. 
Image at a.php is visible. (NO PROBLEM as THE SVG CODE IS 3.67KB)
For all images less than about 8KB, I dont have any problem.

Open c.php in browser. The image is voisible. Click it.
Button in d.php is visible. Click it.
Image at c.php is not visible. A blank screen is displayed as SVG CODE is 9.23KB.
For all codes greater than about 8KB, I have this problem.

Please suggest me what might be wrong. Thanks so much in advance.


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Received on Thursday, 11 March 2004 00:24:51 UTC