Re: [svg-developers] How to convert CGM to SVG ?

On Saturday, March 6, 2004, 2:26:08 PM, Kurt wrote:

KDM> Our company is developing a CGM to SVG converter, if
KDM> anyoneis interested. We need beta testers.



(Second response after reading the document at that URL)

OK so its a WebCGM to SVG converter. Good.

But then I don't understand what is meant by "Future versions may
provide the ability to emulate CGM interactivity such as animation and
path highlighting." because WebCGM *has* no animation - one reason
that people move from CGM to SVG is so they can do animation in a
well-specified, interoperable and vendor-neutral way.

For the highlighting, SVG 1.1 has this but doesn't say what visual
effect is to be produced or even that highlighting has to be visual.

SVG 1.2 will fix this by requiring that a visual effect be produced,
and giving author control over the visual effect with a pseudo-class.
The 1.2 vector effects are particularly handy for this sort of operation.

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 Member, W3C Technical Architecture Group

Received on Saturday, 6 March 2004 12:26:07 UTC