On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Kalle Kilpi - BL wrote:

> Lets take an example. If we had (for example) a woman whose name is Mary and
> her URI
> is "urn:people:reg:female:123" described in rdf like the bellow:


> And we would like to have the following SVG group to represent her.


> How can we define that the SVG <g> represents the URI
> "urn:people:reg:female:123"? If I have the right understanding we can't put
> the URI as the id of the SVG group or otherwise it would be processed as
> <base-uri-of-the-document>#<id> (and therefore the subject described in in
> rdf - rdf:about="urn:people:reg:female:123" - wouldn't be equal to it)?

The key is that the <g> _represents_ Mary; it is not Mary.

What you really want to do is put an id (e.g. "mary") on the group so it
has its own URI, and then introduce an RDF statement that says:

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="#mary" xmlns:blah="urn:blah#">
   <blah:represents rdf:resource="urn:people:reg:female:123"/>

Here, urn:blah#represents is a hypothetical property that indicates the
appropriate "visually represents" relationship between the SVG group #mary
and the person urn:people:reg:female:12.

In practice you will most likely want to find an appropriate property to
use from an existing schema; otherwise you will need to invent your own
(but that is less useful).


Received on Thursday, 8 July 2004 13:40:39 UTC