Re: Grid In 1.2?

"Robert O'Callahan" <> wrote in message
> The wishes expressed in this thread confirm my suspicion that having 
> opened the door to flowing text, it's inevitable that you'll eventually 
> want to copy most XHTML features into SVG. Please please please just go 
> with XHTML now.

XHTML doesn't have _anything_ about layout unless you mean tables for 
layout?  CSS is optional in SVG, and implementations have pretty much shown 
to me that's generally a poor solution for all but very basic styling.  I 
don't think it would be a good idea to take more from CSS.  The 
implementation feedback from the SVG UA's have already said that the CSS Box 
model is more complicated than the proposed solution, so without a subset of 
that appropraite to SVG, I don't really see what can be imported?


Received on Thursday, 8 July 2004 12:09:36 UTC