Re: WG clarification request for SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR

On Fri 06 Aug 2004, Ian Hickson wrote:

> The question is what should a UA do when interacting with an object that 
> initially appears to implement an interface, but then stops doing so while 
> it is being used.

Let's pretend that you'd actually expect your program to 
do something sensible if objects change "type" half-way through
being used.....

My answer is that this is the same case as getting an object
that doesn't implement the interface. When you have something
that cannot behave as an SVGMatrix, you should throw an error.

Alternatively, we could define for every DOM interface in every
format we have, what should happen in this case. eg. what happens
if you appendCHild and as you are executing the method your
Node becomes a Banana. Could be different if it becomes a
WashingMachine though.

Received on Friday, 6 August 2004 10:31:39 UTC