Re: Animated Gif with SVG

I agree with Tobi. If there isn't anything in the animations that demands
rasters (that is, if it's restricted to line art, gradients, patterns, or
things that can be generated using filters), or where the raster image
itself is static and the animation elements are imposed over it, then
there's no need to mix another format into the equation. Simply use SVG, and
there's no need to waste the extra step. If you'll send a URL to show an
example of the kind of animations you need, it's likely that someone will
have a good suggestion as to how you might go about making or adapting a
generator. You may even be able to use SMIL (declarative) animation, and
chances are good that you will get a smaller file size than if you use an
external image; as a bonus, you won't need to maintain external resources.

As a side note, the W3C list (this one) is normally used to discuss issues
with the SVG Spec; if you want to ask questions about development details
and such, there is a very active, friendly, and helpful list called

No harm done, of course, but you'll probably get much more response there.

Hope that helps-

Tobias Reif Wrote:
| Hi Matthias
| On Tue 2004-04-27 Matthias Glosa wrote:
| > In this context, we dont have to force on the use of animated gif.
| > If there some alternative possibilities im really happy.
| SVG. Just generate SVG instead of GIF. (not sure if the latest ASV
| supports referenced animated SVGs, perhaps you could incorporate the
| animation in the same file)
| > I just tried mng using <image xlink:href="animation.mng" width="252"
| > height= 182"/> .
| >
| > But it did not work.
| The SVG spec tells you which formats are supported.
| Tobi
| -- 
| Vim users, don't forget to

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2004 13:00:49 UTC