Re: Animated Gif with SVG

Marc Verstaen wrote:
> The problem is that gif does a descent job at optimizing the file size by
> comparing successive frame and caching the common parts. You will loose this
> optimization and the resulting svg file will be slightly bigger than the
> original gif file.

No, you can use the same optimization in SVG. You can show the GIF frames
as individual (possibly partially transparent) PNG images successively on
top of each other, with varying sizes just as in the GIF. (If you prefer,
you can make them all the size of the complete image by padding them with
transparent pixels.) The resulting set of PNG files will be only slightly
larger than the animated GIF, due to some increased overhead in the file
headers but not due to an increase in image data.

If you're interested, I could write Java code for you that converts
an animated GIF into the 
 PNG files and SVG tags.

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2004 12:45:47 UTC