Using Java to script SVG

In my applications I would like to use mulitcast sockets, etc.  In the Java
Plugin this typically requires signing the jars and requesting permissions
in the JNLP file.  I'm interested in using SVG with Java.  In the SVG 1.1
specification (D.1) there is a way to reference a JAR that contains a
EventListenerInitialize class - that is what I am using currently.  However,
nothing is said about the permissions that the Java code has or how to
request additional permissions.  Seems like it would be better for the SVG
specification to also allow a JNLP file to be references from the script
element to handle these issues (as well as providing for locally caching
libraries, indication the version of Java required to run the code, etc).
Is this possible?

  Denis Bohm
  Firefly Design

Received on Monday, 6 October 2003 12:43:44 UTC