RE: Sound support

>Thinking one technology fits all is one of the great problems
>in computer user psychology and usually results in poor
>accessibility and multiple re-inventions of the wheel.

Ok, so how, with W3C technologies, can I sync sound to an SVG

>Incidentally I reject Flash content, and generally consider
>it a warning that the site will contain no real information,
>or that information will be painful to locate.

Incidentally, you're being a short-sighted ass.  Yes, we all
know that flash is most often annoying, but this is simply
because people are using it in annoying and useless ways.  If
the web is ever going to become an application platform, and
deliver the power to publish all forms of media to the people,
we'll need cinematic capabilities!


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Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 01:59:32 UTC