Re: Things I wanted to see in SVG 1.2, but aren't yet mentioned.

"Thomas E Deweese" <> wrote in message
> JL> Unfortunately not, as it will require scripting, and as you note
> JL> there are other simpler ways of having sizes in PNG etc. - it
> JL> should be a simple operation of including an image as it is with
> JL> including an SVG image.
>     I guess I don't follow you.  The 'image' element always requires a
> w/h specification - it doesn't matter if the referenced content is
> raster or SVG.  and later
discussion, is what I'm talking about, this issue was rejected in SVG 1.1,
I'm still looking for a solution.

> I know that some formats may provide 'real world' unit mappings
> (which could be sensibly treated as CSS units) but what about images
> that don't include this information?

Images that don't include this information can be treated as currently,
those that do contain the information, should use that information.
Refusing to trust a higher level information is not friendly, I fail to see
why it's okay to ignore the size information?

>     I guess I don't have a problem with requiring authors to say how
> large they want the referenced content to appear in the document.  Why
> is this an issue for you?

Because me and lots of people I talk to have huge amounts of legacy content
where there have a raster image, and areas defined in co-ordinates of that
raster image, but do not know the size of the image (consider HTML image
maps for example).    I've also previously wanted to create an Image
Annotation tool, that allows users to add an image, and then draw on the top
of it, (an HTML image map creator say, where the co-ordinate space needs to
be in terms of the size of the raster) to do this I need to know the size of
the image, that's not possible in SVG, even with scripting.

> In most cases I can think of where this
> might be an issue scripting would be a perfect solution.

How exactly?  scripting provides no access to the size of an image.


Received on Monday, 9 June 2003 08:01:47 UTC