Re: SVG 1.2 10 Alternate content based on display resolutions

"Dean Jackson" <>
[Mr on Level-Of-Detail extension]
> > Exactly how that extension might be managed I'm not sure...  For the
> > bandwidth case, a simple advisory content-size attribute on the subImage
> > element would provide a hint to the UA, which it could then use in the
> > decision making process.
> But we'd probably have to specify the behaviour. Can you make
> any suggestions? (ie. what algorithm is the UA using).

I think it should depend on user preferences. Since how much bandwidth to
devote to a UA should be a user choice, so indicating an algorithm that has
so many user variables doesn't seem useful, and as long as any two UA's can
achieve idential rendering in some configuration (even if the algorithms
used to select are different) I fail to see the problem with leaving it to
the viewer.

> > What would happen in situations where the zoom overlaps regions which
> > have a subImage is something else I don't know about, rendering both
> > would be possible, or you could just use the parent one.
> I'd prefer it to show both, since I don't want a 1-pixel pan to radically
> change the display.

Probably, but it could look odd in certain circumstances, and do you really
want to download a large image when there's only 1 corner pixel to be used
from it?


Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2003 04:37:46 UTC