Re: <animateMotion> xlink to polyline?

On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, wrote:

> I have a very simple <animateMotion> question. I would like to 
> create an animation by Xlink 'ing. However, I can only find implementations that Xlink to paths while I would like to xlink to a polyline. Is this possible? I can not seem to get it to work? If not is there a way around this?

No, you can only animate along a path element, not a 
polyline. Sorry!

You'll have to convert into a path.


> <rect x="-5" y="-5" width="10" height="10" fill="red">
>                <animateMotion dur="10s" repeatCount="indefinite">
>                    <mpath xlink:href="#test2"/>
>                </animateMotion>
>            </rect>
> <polyline id="test2" points="184 262 167 256 154 253 134 248 112 242 92 236 60 226 63 231 70 233 70 234 70 233 91 240 114 248 120 251 120 252 121 256 123 261 151 269 164 273 179 277 200 285 230 298 248 304 260 310 272 314 284 315 297 316 304 317 312 317 314 306 316 292 319 280 352 279 363 278 389 277 403 267 409 264 418 258 422 255 427 250 429 245 431 237 435 218 438 207 442 200 481 207 487 208 487 209 487 208 501 210 541 216 542 221 542 235 538 260 534 282 515 281 " stroke="lime" stroke-opacity="0.6" stroke-width="4.0" fill="none"/>
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Received on Sunday, 26 January 2003 06:46:26 UTC