Re: High-Quality Dynamic SVG Viewer

Tobias Reif wrote:
> How should the app do "close all open tags, etc" for the following?
> (Real question :)
> <foo>
> <bar>
> to
> <foo>
> <bar>
> </bar>
> </foo>
> or
> <foo></foo>
> <bar></bar>

If you got

there is only one way of closing it:

If it was to be closed as your second example <foo> would have to be 
closed before <bar> which it isn't.

Therefore, I think that Dean is correct when it comes to automatic 
closing being possible and well-defined. However, I would like rather 
like to see recommendations for rendering SVG using a push/pull parser 
(like SAX) but that might be in a future spec rather then in an errata.


Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 06:13:47 UTC