Re: [www-svg] <none>

On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 19:09, Robin Berjon wrote:
> > 
> > Don't forget My Favorite: SSH. I'd really like to see ssh sockets support.
> Yes. If you were interestingly crazy you could do it in EcmaScript. It wouldn't 
> be terribly hard (you're just porting stuff for which there is existing code 
> that probably looks a lot like the ecmascript you want), but it'd be terribly 
> slow. I don't think mandating SSH support in the spec is a good idea, though.
> However since you can script with other languages, you could turn there. The 
> arbitrary connections thing is just a way of making available to EcmaScript 
> stuff that is normally within the realm of other extension languages.

Exactly. The client-side handling is implementable in any script as long
as you have the door opened by the ability to open a socket handle.

This is what the Grid Computing demo at SVG Open 2003 was doing by
implementing a Batik-based mod which allowed a bidirectional messaging

It would be nice to have the same access without needing to rely on
hacking the browser. I don't really feel like coding My Own Mozilla
Branch for clients. hard to do in Perl, anyways. ;-)

Ronan Oger <>
ROASP - the serverside SVG portal

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2003 04:18:15 UTC