Re: [www-svg] <none> wrote:
> Quoting Robin Berjon <>:
>>If you only support XML protocols, you can't do interesting stuff like SNMP,
>>IMAP, IRC, HTTP+DAV, FTP, SMTP, etc. The Web is larger than XML. The Net is 
>>larger than the Web. We want it all.
> Don't forget My Favorite: SSH. I'd really like to see ssh sockets support.

Yes. If you were interestingly crazy you could do it in EcmaScript. It wouldn't 
be terribly hard (you're just porting stuff for which there is existing code 
that probably looks a lot like the ecmascript you want), but it'd be terribly 
slow. I don't think mandating SSH support in the spec is a good idea, though.

However since you can script with other languages, you could turn there. The 
arbitrary connections thing is just a way of making available to EcmaScript 
stuff that is normally within the realm of other extension languages.

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 13:09:25 UTC