Re: SVG1.2 and web applications

"Bernhard Zwischenbrugger" <> wrote in message

> postURL is excelent for Client-Server communication!

It's adequate, really we need access to set and access to the recieved
headers, and we need verbs other than POST.

> (but ASV has problems with namespaces :-( )

I assume you mean printNode and not postURL ?  Easiest thing is to just not
use XML... :-)  or to write your own serialiser, or to make sure you
createElement with the nodeName and not just the localName.

> o editing text (single line, multi line)

Yep, hopefully editable=true will solve this.

> o selecting more than one element with  mouse
> (everything inside of a rectangle)

Could you outline more how you'd see this working (some sort of method which
initiates select, or do you just want intersection/contains calculation
abilities etc. in script so you can model it?)

> There is also a problem when I load a SVG Document to an
> other SVG Document.
> How can I keep the ID's unique?

If you include the other document with <image xlink:href ... >  you do not
have a problem with ID's, if you're importing with parseXML / appendChild,
then you're going to have to be responsible for it.


Received on Monday, 18 August 2003 15:03:00 UTC