Clarification of "baseVal"

Hi there,

I need a little bit of clarification as to what the core difference is 
between baseVal and the core DOM value of an attribute. Say I have the 
following example:

<rect width="100" height="100">
   <animate attributeName="width" dur="2s" to="200" fill="freeze" />

Here is a bit of DOM code executed at 1s within the document timeline, 
are my assumptions correct (I am not aware of any implementation to 
test this):

var width = rect.width.baseVal; // 100
width = rect.width.animatedVal; // 150
rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', 500);
width = rect.width.baseVal; // 100

How about at 2s (animation over and frozen)?

var width = rect.width.baseVal; // 100
width = rect.width.animatedVal; // 200

Thanks for advice,


Received on Monday, 7 October 2002 11:54:22 UTC