Re: Identical rendering? [was Re: SVG 1.2 General feedback]

Vadim Plessky wrote:

> On Thursday 21 November 2002 3:28 pm, Tobias Reif wrote:
> |  Vadim Plessky wrote:
> |   > |  > We
> |   > |  > do not smooth curves before rendering.
> |   > |
> |   > |  I'm much more interested in a solution than in an explanation :)
> |   >
> |   > You want good rendering for text?
> |   > Than pick up latest FreeType release (2.1.3)
> |
> |  No, I don't just want a good viewer. I want consistent, best identical
> |  rendering *across* implementations. I expressed above that I think the
> |  spec needs to be clearer.
> Than talk to Adobe to switch their ASV from closed-source implementation to 
> FreeType.
> And ask Batik guys to use FreeType, too.

How would that affect the spec?

> As Microsoft doesn't have own SVG implementation - MS is not an issue here.

Yes, obviously. I wonder why you brought it up then.

> If there are some other SVG renderers out there which you consider importnat 
> and which do not use FreeType yet - ask them to use/support FreeType, too.
> So, you would get identical rendering across platforms/renderers. :-)

No, I would not be able to request it from any viewer.



Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 15:58:06 UTC