Re: SVG 1.2 General feedback

On Thursday 21 November 2002 12:54 am, Tobias Reif wrote:
|  Vadim Plessky wrote:
|   > You can find sources at:
|   >
|   > you need
|   >
|  Great that you put them online :)

BlueSphere SVG icons were published on that site *before* I created page on 
SourceForge (

|   > |  > For example, Adobe SVG plugin freezes my WIndows from time t
|   > |  > time.
|   > |
|   > |  Please submit bug reports at
|   > |
|   >
|   > Well, I don't have much time at a moment, and I also think that
|   > supporting
|   > closed-source projects ( bug reports are part of QA process) is not
|   > very good
|   > idea.
|   > Not that I would request everyone to open their code.
|   > I just made my choice. I am with Open-Soorce.  :-)
|  Well, you use the ASV, so it's useful for you. You didn't have to pay
|  for it, and a tiny bug report may not really be much more hassle than
|  writing the above lines :)

Bug report requires my time, and my time is *money*.
I am not going to contribute money to companies supporting closed-source 
software. Unless they would justify my time/efforts with reasonable money.
I would say $50 per bug would be enough  (for this case)  ;-)

About ASV - is it Adove SVG Viewer?
Than I guess you interpreted my words in a wrong way.
I *do not use* Adobe SVG Viewer.  I just tested couple (out of 200) SVG icons, 
before making release, to be sure that those icons work with Adobe SVG 
I did it for the benefit of potential users of BlueSphere SVG icons who are 
*not using Linux* (or *BSD/UNIX).
Windows platfrom is *not supported* officially by me.
You use BlueSphere SVG icons on that platform on your own risk :-)

|  You told the public about this specific issue, so you should at least
|  also tell Adobe.
|  You will support SVG much more than closed-source.

You will support SVG much more by:
* successfully converting people/companies to Linux
* implementing SVG support in GNOME and KDE
* preventing sales of Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS X in any form (both 
OEM and Retail versions)

FYI:  Adobe never was kind to Linux and Open-Source developers. And even to 
developers in general.
You may want to recall KIllustrator story (that was Adobe which enforced 
renaming of KIllustrator to Kontour), and Dmitry Sklyarov.

Obviously, I see no reasons to support Adobe, in any form.
Their strategy is doomed to fail.  And I am not going to help them to survive.

|  Tobi

Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky
SVG Icons

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 07:21:58 UTC