[www-svg] <none>

<200211181841.41445.plessky@cnt.ru> <3DDA2801.9030309@pinkjuice.com> <3DDA2801.9030309@pinkjuice.com>
In-Reply-To: <200211201454.17657.plessky@cnt.ru>

Vadim Plessky [SMTP:plessky@cnt.ru] wrote:
> Just imagine for a second that Windows GDI API is capable to render SVG
> files, 
> so that no SVG plugin for MS IE or Netscape is required. 

I'm surprised at your making a proposal sympathetic to Microsoft on a
anti-trust issue.  The effect of this would be to largely destroy the
market in third party commercial SVG renderers, which is what MS were
accused of with respect to HTML and web browsers.

Actually, the fact that renderers tend to be a loss leader seems to indicate
that developers feel this threat anyway; in fact they would get the
costs of finding the problems, and MS would make the profits in this

Received on Sunday, 24 November 2002 15:11:36 UTC