Re: X11 Colors (was Last call comments on CSS3 module: color)

Hello Tantek, www-svg,

In this message,

you wrote (replying to 'fantasai'):

>> The X11 color set can remain an SVG CSS extension;
> Unfortunately, that doesn't make any sense, since there is nothing
> special "SVG"-like about the X11 color set.
>> I don't see any reason why it must become part of CSS3:color.
> How about the fact that it is already in a REC as noted and
> interoperably implemented cross-browser and cross-platform in
> numerous implementations for many years? Certainly much more than
> can be said about most other technologies in W3C proposals.

This topic was recently re-discussed in the SVG WG. We resolved:

a) we do wish to reference the CSS3 color module from SVG, once it is
at an appropriate level of maturity.

b) we not wish to deprecate the X11 colors which, as you note, are
widely and consistently used in both SVG and non-SVG contexts.

c) we recognise that particular profiles may wish to exclude this
group of colors. For example, SVG Mobile excludes them.

Thus, to ensure that we can reference CSS3 color, we call on the CSS
WG to not deprecate the X11 colors but to include them in the CSS3
color module and allow particular profiles to include them or not
include them as they see fit.

You wrote

> [...] but I will not deprecate them in CSS3 unless
> the SVG working group also deprecates in SVG 1.1.

It seems then that we are in agreement.


Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2002 03:08:28 UTC