Re: X11 Colors (was Last call comments on CSS3 module: color)

Chris Lilley wrote:

> Not immediately apparent from that posting (though visible in the
> examples), the hues can be combined.

Ah OK.

> Will see if i
> have a copy of that paper around somewhere, in a file cabinet at
> INRIA most likely if it has not been thrown out.

Perhaps you could get an electronic copy from the publisher, perhaps 
with permission to post it online?

> It remains to be shown, though, that any color naming syntax has any
> benefit over entity references which can be used to assign any desired
> color to any desired keyword, under user control, in any language,
> with 100% interoperability and no changes to the specification.

You mean the designer would map his own keywords to RGB values via XML entities?

If that's what you mean, I really don't like it.
I want to have the flexibility of RGB (which is there right now), plus 
the convenience and expressiveness of nice human language descriptions 
(sentences or keywords); the latter mechanism should be convenient, and 
not require me to declare entities first.



Received on Thursday, 30 May 2002 12:53:49 UTC