Re: external glyph, howto

>So you need to decide if the modifications introduced an error, or
>whether the implementation you are using (you don't say which one, on
><what platform, which revision etc) has a bug.
>Does the unmodified example work?


I ran the example with IE 5.0 on NT and it works fine.
Here is the embedded glyph I want to import:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG
1.0//EN" "" > <svg
width="100%" height="100%">
<defs >
<font id="thai" horiz-adv-x="868" ><font-face
    font-family="Bitstream CyberBase"
    panose-1="2 2 6 3 6 5 5 2 3 4"
    alphabetic="0" />
<missing-glyph horiz-adv-x="1229" d="M102 -362V1444H1126V-362H102ZM217
-248H1012V1329H217V-248Z" />
<glyph unicode="&#xe12;" glyph-name="afii59698" horiz-adv-x="1567" d="M827
45V403Q744 374 706 330T668 221Q668 153 710 106T827 45ZM563 1149Q625 1200
685 1226T801 1253Q898 1253 956 1189T1014 1014V449Q1079 416 1131 354T1229
158 1147 256T1014 410V74Q1014 28 1003 14T958 0H870Q758 0 691 61T623 223Q623
306 673 361T827 449V1042Q827 1112 810 1140T754 1169Q722 1169 684 1142T563
1024L552 1036Q425 1169 354 1169Q311 1169 293 1141T274 1038V152Q389 254 456
353T542 551Q475
553 438 601T401 735Q401 818 439 869T537 920Q593 920 627 871T662 737Q662 590
557 386T274 0H90V1014Q90 1124 148 1188T303 1253Q377 1253 442 1227T563
1149ZM537 891Q500 891 475 847T449 737Q449 674 471 635T530 596Q568 596 590
635T612 745Q612 810 591
850T537 891Z" />
<g style="font-family: Bitstream CyberBase; font-size:40; fill:black">
  <text x="15" y="30">&#xe12;</text>

The glyph has been created using the ttf2svg converter.
What I did was to add this font (thai) and the above text (hex value) into
the example.

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 09:51:41 UTC