Re: path closing

On Wednesday, 13 March, 2002, 13:53:13, iztok wrote:

ij> In the current SVG spec. the only way to close a path is with a straight line.

Yes, although that line can be of zero length.

ij> I propose to add a way for closing with arcs and curves:
ij> - closing a path defines that it\'s last point is the same as the first (within 
ij> a path segment)
ij> - a path may be closed with a curve if there would be no ending point for the 
ij> curve buth a \'z\' that would define the that the end point of the curve is the 
ij> same as the end point of the path segment and the first point of the path 
ij> segment
ij> - than the definition of S,s,T and t should be changed to use the control 
ij> points of the last curve in a path for the first control point

So this does not give any new functionality, but amounts to saving one
coordinate pair per path segment. The effect on the BNF for paths
would be a fair increase in in complexity, I think?

ij> All this can be inplemented with compatibility to SVG 1.0

ij> NOW:
ij> <path class=\"SamplePath\" d=\"M100,200 ... C100,100 250,100 100,200 z\" />
ij> <path class=\"SamplePath\" d=\"M100,200 ... C100,100 250,100 z\" />
ij> <path class=\"SamplePath\" d=\"M100,200 ... S100,100 z\" />

How is that compatible with SVG 1.0?

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2002 12:24:26 UTC