Re: Bug?: <text...textLength...lengthAdjust>

On Tuesday, 26 February, 2002, 13:15:35, Stefan wrote:

SH> Hi *,

SH> I've tried the "text-textLength-BE-17.svg" (from the W3 Testsuite) and it
SH> does not work.

SH> You can test it at

SH> I have Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0.

SH> Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?

Because the feature is not implemented in Adobe 3.0.

SH> Do you have a workaround for fitting a text (lines) into a given width?

No, its a pain, which is why there is a text length feature in SVG so
that its can be implemented once per implementation in stead of one
per piece of content that needs it.


Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2002 17:00:59 UTC