Re: Re[2]: SVG --> HTML/TXT for searching and accessibility

"Ivan Herman" <>
> I did experimented with something like that. See
> although  this  text  is  quite full of smallish bugs, a way
> better  version should be on the svgopen conference pages as
> soon as they put the papers on-line.

Oooh interesting stuff...

I'd especially like to reuse the Layout and Positional Predicates in my
image (raster aswell as SVG) annotation work, but their Domain and Range
are innapropriate - did you have some special reason for limiting them to
SVG objects when we're really just describing elements in an image/scene?
Would you be willing to move them outside this vocabulary or at least
changing the domain/range to be less specific? (If not I'll probably be
duplicating it to achieve the same, which is obviously unfortunate)

The other problem I have with it is that it still requires the SVG
document to be appropriately authored with appropriately id'd groupings
and not having "things" in the picture spread between two distinct points
in the file.  Both of these you get if you're either annotating other
peoples SVG, or are using the output of some automatic or visual tool. *
So it would be nice if we could also describe regions within the viewbox
rather than just elements within SVG - which we need to do to describe
raster images of course.

I'll certainly be looking at implementing something on this now I've got
a schema, I just need to convince someone that RDF is much better than
his own invented XML and javascript.


* XPointer/XPath can address the first, but these are generally not
stable between edits, so are an impractical solution IMO, see Annotea

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2002 11:03:33 UTC