Re: SVG --> HTML/TXT for searching and accessibility

"Dean Jackson" <>
> Remember also that I'm suggesting it would be very easy for
> a search engine to index the text in SVG files. In that case,
> reading order isn't always as important.

I disagree that this illustrates that at all, whilst it does illustrate
it's easy to extract the "text" content of an XML file - I don't think
that was ever in doubt, however search engines if they are useful are not
such simplistic creatures and need to care about the semantics of the
text and so need to understand the Mark-up Language itself.  It would be
nice if Google returned SVG documents from links to the content (as it
does with other empty textual documents), and extracted the title/desc
elements for the description it gives, but whilst it could index on a
simple text dump of the SVG, it's not something I believe would be of any
real use, such methods are discredited.


Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2002 08:49:46 UTC