DTD Errors in SVGB

Its there in svg-basic-clip.mod, line 71. Looking at the svgb doc's 
it appears to be totally wrong, in that the spec says it only 
supports rectangles, while svg-basic-clip.mod has circles, lines, 
polylines etc.


The DTD in svg-basic-clip.mod is not usable by a computer. It not 
only appears to deviate from the published spec, but it contains too 
many "0 or 1" and "0 or more" declarations which are unresolvable by 
a DTD parser.

<!ENTITY % SVG.clipPath.content
    "(( %SVG.Description.class; )*, (( %SVG.Animation.class; %
        %SVG.clipPath.extra.content; )*, ( %SVG.Animation.class; %
        %SVG.Shape.class; )?, ( %SVG.Animation.class; %SVG.Use.class;
        %SVG.clipPath.extra.content; )*))"

Jamie Briant
svgdomcsharp sourceforge project

Received on Monday, 2 December 2002 08:06:34 UTC