Re: z in d attribute of path element


> given a path such as
> <path d = "M6 9876 c14,7 50,14 104,15 54,2 98,-10 107,-14 14,-11 10,-63
> 55,-94 45,-31 78,-54 90,-94 11,-39 -36,-66 -59,-51 -24,15 -33,26 -42,37
> 14,-66 0,-65 -20,2 -88,8 -158,8 -69,0 -114,-4 -138,-7 -17,11 -1,95 12,161
> 20,93 10,97 29,104z  *****
> m246 -122c0,-12 9,-25 18,-39 10,-16 14,-31 36,-42 23,-11 36,12 4,43 -32,30
> -47,39 -58,38z"/>
> What's the definition of the 'initial point of the current subpath'? when
> the z occurs at the starred point?
> Is it the 6,9876 point? or some point further on in the sequence please?

The short answer is "yes".

The slightly longer answer is that the first preceding (working backwards
from the closepath) "m", "M", "z", "Z" command determines the start point of
the current sub-path.  Absolute moveto, as in your example, is the easiest
case to determine the starting point.  The other cases can be tricky,
especially if they are preceded by relative path commands.

KevLinDev -

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 11:00:49 UTC