Fwd: [Moderator Action] creating vector graphics from scanned images

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----- Forwarded message from Vincent Ramdhanie <VincentR@clico.com> -----

X-Envelope-From: www-svg-request@tux.w3.org  Thu Sep  6 08:49:03 2001
From: Vincent Ramdhanie <VincentR@clico.com>
To: "'www-svg@w3.org'" <www-svg@w3.org>
Old-Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 08:47:57 -0400 
X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list
Subject: [Moderator Action] creating vector graphics from scanned images
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X-Envelope-To: www-svg
X-UIDL: 231073a974bfa94e4239aaf3712846bf

I have recently started to look at converting scanned images of line
drawings (such as blueprints) into an editable format. Is there any tools
that can read in a gif or jpg and recognize that lines and produce an SVG?
Or do I have to write one myself? Will such a tool be useful enough to be
worth creating?


Vincent Ramdhanie

----- End forwarded message -----

Received on Thursday, 6 September 2001 09:59:54 UTC