SVG 1.0 and SMIL Animation are now Proposed Recomendation

I am highly delighted to announce that SVG 1.0 and SMIL Animation have
today advanced to Proposed Recommendation. 

This means that these mature, well-implemented and proven interoperable
specifications are subject to a four-week period of final scrutiny by
all W3C Member organisations. Some time after that (typically  not less
than two weeks), all being well, these specifications are expected to
advance to W3C Recommendation status and become official, ratified Web

Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to all the SVG implementors,
developers, tool makers, content-creators who have helped to make SVG
the splendid success that it is today. Withouut this vibrant and
creative groundswell of popular support, the specifications and the
implementation status would be so much the poorer.

Ok, who can make celebratory fireworks, champagne, etc in animated SVG?
It seems appropriate, somehow.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
W3C Proposed Recommendation 19 July, 2001
SMIL Animation
W3C Proposed Recommendation 19-July-2001

Chris Lilley
Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Staff contact, SMIL Animation

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2001 16:39:50 UTC