Re: Which elements use "clip" ? .....SVG 1.0 CR may have problem?

Thanks for the report.

The SVG working group did a careful review a few months ago of the "Applies 
to" sections for all of the properties used by SVG, including a review of 
the 'clip' property. Here is what the 'clip' property should say:

Applies to: elements which establish a new viewport, 'pattern' elements and 
'marker' elements

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG 1.0 Editor

At 05:59 PM 7/18/01 +0000, Robert DiBlasi wrote:
>W3C Editor and mailling list
>I believe there is a conflict between the stated use of the property 
>"clip" In section 6.1 SVG's styling properties and Appendix L: Property 
>Index use of "clip"
>6.1 SVG's styling properties
>Appendix L: Property Index
>In 6.1 SVG's styling properties
>there is a list of properties that are shared betweet CSS2 and SVG
>Font properties:
>Text properties:
>Other properties for visual media:
>within "other properties for visual media" there is a property "clip"
>clip states:
>'clip' (Only applicable to outermost 'svg')
>In Appendix L: Property Index
>Clip states:
>elements which establish a new viewport
>As far as I understand ....the elements that establish a new viewport are:
>So........What elements can "clip" propoperty be used on?
>I think a change might be called for in the SVG 1.0 moving to next stage.
>I hopful have just missed something :-)
>We all learn sharing what we know
>Robert A. DiBlasi
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Received on Wednesday, 18 July 2001 14:30:10 UTC