Re: SVG - A thought

Yes, I agree. Or a browser that understands SVG really natively, like Amaya
is working towards, and Mozilla might.



On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 wrote:

  In a message dated 19/12/01 07:56:38 GMT Standard Time,

  >   That's true.
  >   I think SVG-Core is what we need in order to make SVG mainstream.
  >   It's really stupid to use 10MB "plugin" just to draw rectangle or circle
  > on
  >   the web page. All browsers (absolute minimum: MS IE and Netscape) should
  >   support such primitives, and complete SVG specification is obviously too
  >   *fat* for this.


  I guess it is much less stupid to use a 2.303MB plugin which is the actual
  size of the Adobe SVG Viewer version 3.0 download.

  Andrew Watt

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 04:26:09 UTC