Re: Is there an SVG Charter / Forward Work Program?

In a message dated 09/09/00 03:46:04 GMT Daylight Time, jferraio@Adobe.COM 

> Andrew,
>  The SVG working group will soon start the process of planning for the 
>  future. (We can do this now that SVG 1.0 is in its final stages.)
>  Just like we did for SVG Requirements for the first version of the 
>  (I think the URL is, published Oct 1998), I 
>  would expect that we will publish documents as early as we possibly can 
>  the next round to allow for public review and contribution.
>  Jon Ferraiolo
>  SVG Editor
>  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Thanks Jon,

For the information of anyone interested the URL gave a "Sorry Not Found" 

By backtracking through the Working Drafts I did find a requirements document 
as early as February 1999:

Am I right in assuming that that document pretty much reflects the 1998 
document, which I couldn't find on the W3C site?

Andrew Watt

Received on Saturday, 9 September 2000 03:42:47 UTC